Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun day with Baby

Well today was my second day off from work in a row. Thank goodness! Nicole went to Visit Teach one of our girls today and help clean her house. I stayed home and wached Baby as Sister Deragon who Nicole went to see has a very hairy cat and I didn't want to get sick from my kitty allergies. I had a fun time with crabby baby who couldn't decide what she wanted to do! Here she is trying to steal the camera. Crazy Baby!

We spent the morning running around the house. Baby wanted to "get me." She is so silly. She comes running up to me and says, "I gonna get 'u!" And then she'll "tickle" me and laugh like crazy. So funny! Here she is preparing to attack!

When Nicole finished cleaning Sister Deragon's house she came and grabbed Baby to go home for a big nap. I headed over to St James and picked up cute Melo and we had a great time at my eye doctors appointment! Ok, so it was totally boring but she was a good girl as always.

From there Melo and I had a yummy lunch at our fave, McDonalds and Melo tore it up in the Playplace. She is so funny. There were 3 naughty boys there about the same age as Melo and she chastised them for fighting! I just laughed. She is such a little toughie!

The rest of the day was spent resting with Baby and Melo while Nicole took the big girls to dancing. Well...I rested on the couch while the girls played and watched Cars. Baby thought it was great to fill a bucket with crayons and then throw them all over the floor! I was great with it as it kept her occupied!


Becky said...

Hooray for blogging!!! Welcome aboard Sista!

Erica said...

MAN OH MAN does she look like Nicole in that bottom picture! Sounds like you had a fun day, hope you recovered! Tee hee.